Thursday, May 28, 2009

Why? Why? Why?

Why does it say that Amber posted this blog? Why do I have to have so much stress? Why do I have to feel all emotions including anger and frustration when dealing with my kids? Why do people schedule you for work, and not be ready when you show up? Why does family seem to get more complicated the longer you are family? Why do people not pay you for services rendered two months ago? Why do people not return phone calls? Why does it take so much pressure to create a diamond? Why does Murphy's Law exist? Why does it cost so much to do anything? Why do public school think that it is o.k to cut sports programs? Why do city councils cut funding for schools, and give them selves a raise three day later? Why during a recession does my water bill triple? Why does health insurance go up for no reason what so ever? Why does life seem to be so great at one moment, and so frustrating the next? Why is it so hard to loose weight? Why do children have the ability to love unconditionaly and adults don't? Why do I seem to learn so much, but apply so little? Why do I settle? Why does the government think that it is o.k. to run my life? Why don't we have term limits for Congressmen and Senators? Why do I feel so hopeless? Why do I feel so helpless? Why do I feel unprepared, when I do all that I can to prepare? Why do I love? Why does time seem to evaporate when I use devices to give me more time? Why do I put aside my dreams? Why don't I dream bigger? Why do I limit my own potential? Why do I wear chains of the past? Why don't I just get a long with everyone? Why does Talmadge always, and I mean always have to do what I do? Why before I had kids I only had one shadow, and now I have four? Why don't I know how to get a money tree to grow? Why do I have to spend more money for florescent light bulbs when you can only take 10 to the dump to recycle them due to the large mercury content? Why do I have to listen to people make rules that make no sense? Why do I alway feel so tired? Why can't I be a better speller? Why does service suck so bad, but make you feel so good? Why do I complain so much? Why can't I trust God more? Why can't I read my scriptures everyday? Why do I procrastinate? Why do things break at the most inconvenient time? Why do you always have unexpected cost, whey you unexpendly have no work? Why do kids alway have to find out the hard way how things work, and what pain is? Why do I tolerate so much? Why can't I revolt more often? Why does my wife put up with me? Why do my kids alway run to see their dad when he come home from work? Why don't the kids run to see mom when she comes home from church service? Why do new babies always have to cry? Why can't I make time to do everything that I want to do? Why did I buy a Mac that always seems to be breaking? Why does manual labor not pay more? Why does the American dream always seem to be someone elses dream? Why does the news not tell the whole story? Why do people want respect, but don't want to give it? Why do people lie? Why do people charge too much for services that they should charge much less? Why do sales people alway try to push you too far? Why do people think that the laws of men are better than the laws of God? Why don't business fail when they make too many mistakes? Why have people come to feel that they are entitled to a piece of my pie? Why does is take so long to make a pie, and such a short time for it to disappear? Why can't I figure out the secret? Why does college cost so much? Why does a white male who does not have a disabliliy, is not a veteran, and has been in business for eight years not qualify for an SBA loan? Why is the last question not reverse discrimination? Why do schools no teach things about checking accounts, savings accounts, investing, real estate, and credit in class? Why do people think that using riches to keep score is bad? Why don't friends be more honest to your face? Why do people get hurt when you don't invite them to your house for dinner everytime you have someone else over? Why could I not teach Lucy to ride a bike for six months, and last week she picked up her bike and decided that it was time to ride by herself? Why did I promise her a new bike? Why am I so scared of snakes? Why do people get rewarded for failure? Why do I fail, and decide that I will never be good at that one thing? Why is Talmadge able to catch flies with his bare hands every time? Why does Zoie always have to be that last to go to sleep and the last to wake up in a family of early sleepers and early risers? Why are T.V. shows so lame? Why has the golden rule changed to "He that has the gold rules"? Why can't I seem to ever finish a project at home? Why don't my kids eat their great stake and potatoe dinner, but then want an apple right before bed? Why do I have so many unanswered questions? Why ask Why?


  1. That is an awesome post. How do you have time to do anything else when you are busy contemplating every mystery in the universe??

  2. I'm glad you started this blog....just don't ask why!
